Trips per week: 153

Emeryville Population:11758
Trips per person in SF: 14.82
Estimated trips per day in Emeryville:50000
Average weekday GoBike trips:24.0
Share of all trips on GoBike:0.05%

Number of stations used last week: 11

Revenue: $2,000 last 30 days

Bikes in circulation last week: 100

Trips per bike last week: 1.5

Rebalancing ops per week: 85

Average distance: 0.8 miles

0-0.5mi 83 (46.4%)
0.5-1mi 33 (18.4%)
1-1.5mi 29 (16.2%)
1.5-2mi 20 (11.2%)
2-2.5mi 4 (2.2%)
2.5mi and up 10 (5.6%)

Average trip time: 27.0 min

0-5min 11 (6.1%)
5-10min 32 (17.9%)
10-15min 29 (16.2%)
15-20min 28 (15.6%)
20-25min 12 (6.7%)
25-30min 7 (3.9%)
30-35min 14 (7.8%)
35min and up 46 (25.7%)

Bike Share For All trips last week: 9 (5.9% of total)

Stations out of service

Popular BS4A Stations

(5 or fewer)Stanford Ave at Hollis StN/A
(5 or fewer)Horton St at 40th StN/A
(5 or fewer)Emeryville Town HallN/A
(5 or fewer)Emeryville Public MarketN/A
(5 or fewer)Doyle St at 59th StN/A
(5 or fewer)Adeline St at 40th StN/A
(5 or fewer)65th St at Hollis StN/A
(5 or fewer)59th St at Horton StN/A
(5 or fewer)53rd St at Hollis StN/A
(5 or fewer)47th St at San Pablo AveN/A

1We couldn't find trip data for Emeryville so we are guessing based on 4.82 trips per person in SF. If you have better data for Emeryville, please share!

This website is not affiliated with GoBike, Motivate, the MTC, or any of the listed cities. All use is subject to the Motivate Data License Agreement.

Created by Kevin Burke and Kyle Conroy. View the source code or contribute!